AMOLED Brilliance

AMOLED Brilliance
Screen Comparison of The Samsung i8510/Samsung i8910HD/Samsung Omnia


Symbian vs Symbian


Jan 20, 2010


I notice most i8910 users like gaming on their device! Whether it be via emulators(such as gameboy and Nintendo) or simply by installing java platform games, gaming is definitely one of the main attraction of any symbian based phone. Today I'll be posting links to games! I have also got this Italian website with a few games as well. But i am still searching for a modified version of Ngage which will run seamlessly on the i8910. Keep an eye out for that! Enjoy 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Symbios, Hamid, Wole, Sajad, XXX, Rohit and others, You guys are real heroes helping out a lot of people like me. I have bought my i8910 a couple of months back and have been following your suggestions. You guys just ROCK!
    I just now thought how can I help you back. Just saw your blog that is good. but how about a seperate website which would contain a similar blog and other stuff. I mean a blog where you guysonly can make posts and a forum where all others can discuss. I am a software engineer and I am into web development. I can develop a website quickly and I will host it for our i8910 community with my own expenses. if you like the idea, let me know and i will complete that by this weekend. my email: myenggadmin [at] gmail [dot] com.

    I'll give my personal email id, once we get in touch.
